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INCOME - Bergrivier Full job description BERGRIVIER MUNISIPALITEIT Bergrivier Municipality ensures the wellbeing of all communities within the Bergrivier region through economic growth, social wellbeing, community involvement and effective management within a safe and healthy environment. Bergrivier Municipality with its head office in Piketberg and approximately an hour’s drive from Cape Town currently has the following vacancy and awaits applications from competent persons who comply with the minimum job requirements. (Women and persons with disabilities are encouraged to also apply.)   VACANCY INTERNAL & EXTERNAL APPLICATIONS WILL BE CONSIDERED PRINCIPAL CLERK: INCOME (VELDDRIF) DIRECTORATE: FINANCIAL SERVICES REF: FD28/061/VD Qualifications: Grade 12 with Accounting as subject; Computer Literacy: MS Office and; Code B driver’s licence   Experience: Two (2) – Five (5) years’ relevant experience   Requirements: Proficiency in at least two (2) of the official languages of the Western Cape (Afrikaans/English/isiXhosa - Speak, Read, Write)  Good supervision, human relations, interpersonal and communication skills · Ability to give attention to detail High level of responsibility Must work overtime when required  Must be physically fit Must perform duties in any area of the Municipality when required.   Job purpose: To render the following activities associated with financial services, e.g. income, expenditure and supervision through the application of laid down policy and procedures by:  Administering and processing of creditor accounts and information  Performing specific clerical and accounts updating/ reconciliation activities,  Maintaining the registers and information related to specific creditor payment activities; and  Performing debtor duties   Key Performance Areas: Assist clients with the completion of all relevant debtor forms  Supervision of cashier  Payment receipting  Responsible to part take in the Municipality’s Performance Management and Development System. The competency level for this position is a level 2 as stipulates in Annexure A of the Municipal Staff Regulations Government Notice R890 as promulgated in Government Gazette 45181 dated 20 September 2021 and comprises of the following competencies: Public Service Core Professional Functional Personal Management / Leadership Orientation Competencies Competencies Competencies Competencies Competencies  Written  Business processes  Interpersonal  Action orientation  Impact & influence communication  Use of technology relationships  Resilience  Team orientation  Oral  Data processing &  Communication  Change readiness  Direction setting communication analysis  Service delivery  Cognitive ability  Coaching & mentoring  Attention to detail orientation  Learning orientation  Influencing  Client orientation &  Ethics & customer focus professionalism  Organizational awareness  Problem solving  Planning & organizing   Salary: R 185 376.00 per annum (T07 of a Category 3 Local Authority) Date of acceptance: 01 November 2024 or as soon as possible Enquiries: Mr M Crous at 022 913 6000   GENERAL:   1. A service bonus equivalent to one month’s salary, where applicable, will be payable and be supplemented by the normal benefits applicable to the Municipality including a housing allowance for home owners subject to certain conditions. 2. The Municipality is an equal opportunity employer and respects the conditions of the Employment Equity Act, preference will be given to candidates who comply with the Employment Equity Targets. 3. The Municipality is not bound to make any appointment. 4. All appointments are subject to Police clearings; which means that by applying for a position at the Municipality, you give us permission to obtain Police clearance. 5. Applications received after the closing date or which have been received without the documentation mentioned below, will not be considered. 6. Only short-listed applicants will be contacted for interviews. Applicants can regard their applications as being unsuccessful if no feedback has been received within six weeks from the closing date. 7. Canvassing of any councillor and/or member of the Appointment Committee and/or any personnel member of the Municipality will not be allowed and will immediately disqualify applicants. 8. In addition to the minimum job requirements and station mentioned herein, applicants may be expected to work overtime or be on standby, as well as render services in other parts within the municipal area, as required. 9. Appointment in certain posts is subject to a security clearance and applicants will also undergo an interview and evaluation process and where necessary, write a trade test. 10. The municipality respects the conditions of the Protection of Personal Information Act. By submitting your information and application you confirm that the information you have provide to us is true, correct and up to date. 11. Only applications within the Bergrivier Municipal area (WC013) will be considered. 12. Successful candidates will be expected to sign a contract of employment, disclosure of benefits and interest and a performance contract (where applicable) with the employer. A covering letter with at least two (2) contactable references (managers, subordinates or peers), must accompany the completed prescribed application form (available on request at Tel. 022 9136000 or on the municipality’s website with certified copies of the necessary qualification certificates, ID document, Drivers Licence and a Curriculum Vitae (Maximum of 3 pages), (only one post per application form) to reach Municipal Offices (Aurora, Eendekuil, Redelinghuys, Piketberg, Porterville & Velddrif) within the municipal area or posted to PO Box 60, Piketberg, 7320 or by courier to 13 Church Street, Piketberg, 7320, for the attention of Mr DF Verhoog, to reach him by no later than the closing date. You should note that the Municipality does not accept responsibility for applications that are mailed or sent by courier and are received late or not at all. The onus is still on you to ensure that your application reaches the municipality before the closing date.   NO FAXES OR ELECTRONIC APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED.   CLOSING DATE: MONDAY, 02 EPTEMBER 2024 AT 16:00 ADV H LINDE 13 CHURCH STREET MUNICIPAL MANAGER P O BOX 60 PIKETBERG MN 224/2024 7320   BERGRIVIER MUNISIPALITEIT     Bergrivier Munisipaliteit verseker die welstand van alle gemeenskappe in sy gebied deur ekonomiese groei, sosiale welstand, gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid en effektiewe bestuur binne ‘n veilige en gesonde omgewing. Bergrivier Munisipaliteit, met sy hoofkantoor te Piketberg en ongeveer 1 uur vanaf Kaapstad, beskik tans oor die volgende vakature en aansoeke word ingewag van bevoegde persone wat aan die gestelde minimum posvereistes voldoen. (Vroue en persone met gestremdhede word aangemoedig om ook aansoek te doen.)   VAKATURE INTERNE & EKSTERNE AANSOEKE SAL OORWEEG WORD   HOOFKLERK: INKOMSTE (VELDDRIF) DIREKTORAAT: FINANSIËLE DIENSTE VERW: FD28/061/VD   Kwalifikasie: Graad 12 met Rekeningkunde as vak; Rekenaargeletterdheid: MS Office; Kode B-bestuurslisensie Ondervinding: Twee (2) – Vyf (5) jaar ondervinding Posvereistes: Bevoegdheid in ten minste twee (2) van die amptelike tale van die Wes-Kaap (Afrikaans/Engels/isiXhosa - Praat, Lees, Skryf) Goeie toesig, menseverhoudings, interpersoonlike en kommunikasievaardighede Vermoë om aandag te gee tot detail Hoë vlak van verantwoordelikheid Moet oortyd werk wanneer vereis Moet kassier pligter verrig wanneer nodig  Moet fisies fiks en gesond wees Moet pligte in enige area van die Munisipaliteit verrig wanneer nodig. Posdoel: Om die volgende aktiwiteite wat verband hou met finansiële dienste te lewer, bv. inkomste, uitgawes en toesig deur die toepassing van vasgestelde beleid en prosedures deur: Administrasie en verwerking van krediteurerekeninge en inligting Die uitvoering van spesifieke klerklike en rekeninge-opdaterings-/versoeningsaktiwiteite, Die instandhouding van die registers en inligting wat verband hou met spesifieke krediteurbetalingsaktiwiteite; en Uitvoering van debiteurepligte Sleutelprestasie-areas: Assisteer kliënte met die voltooiing van alle relevante debiteurevorms  Toesig oor kassier  Betalingskwitansies  Verantwoordelik om deel te neem aan die Munisipaliteit se Prestasiebestuur- en Ontwikkelingstelsel. Die bevoegdheidsvlak vir hierdie pos is ‘n vlak 2 soos bepaal in Bylae A van die Munisipale Personeelregulasies Staatskennisgewing R890 soos afgekondig in die Staatskoerant 45181 soos gedateer op 20 September 2021 en bestaan uit die volgende bevoegdhede:   Kern Professionele Funksionele Bevoegdhede t.o.v Persoonlike Bestuur / Leierskap Bevoedghede Bevoegdhede Openbare Diensoriëntering Bevoegdede Bevoegdhede  Geskrewe  Besigheidsprosesse  Interpersoonlike  Aksie oriëntering  Impak en kommunikasie  Gebruik van verhoudings  Volharding invloed  Mondelinge tegnologie  Kommunikasie  Verander gereedheid  Spanoriëntering kommunikasie  Dataverwerking &  Diensleweringsoriëntering  Kognitiewe vermoë  Rigtingbepaling  Aandag aan detail analise  Kliënt-oriëntasie en  Leeroriëntasie  Afrigting en  Beïnvloeding kliëntfokus mentorskap  Etiek & professionaliteit  Organisatoriese bewustheid  Probleem oplossing  Beplanning & organisering     Salaris: R 185 376.00 per jaar (T07 van ‘n Kategorie 3 Plaaslike Owerheid) Diensaanvaarding: 01 November 2024 of so spoedig moontlik Navrae: Mnr M Crous by 022 913 6000   ALGEMEEN:   1. ’n Diensbonus gelykstaande aan een maand se salaris is, waar van toepassing, betaalbaar en word aangevul deur die normale voordele van toepassing op die Munisipaliteit, insluitend ‘n behuisingstoelae vir huiseienaars, onderhewig aan sekere voorwaardes. 2. Die Munisipaliteit is ’n gelyke geleentheid werkgewer en eerbiedig die bepalings van die Wet op Gelyke Indiensneming. 3. Die Munisipaliteit behou die reg voor om nie ’n aanstelling te maak nie. 4. Alle aanstellings is onderworpe aan Polisie verklaring wat noodwendig beteken dat applikante toestemming verleen dat dit verkry mag word. 5. Aansoeke wat na die sluitingsdatum ontvang word of nie vergesel van die dokumentasie hieronder genoem nie, sal nie oorweeg word nie. 6. Slegs aansoekers op die kortlys vir onderhoude sal gekontak word. Indien ‘n aansoeker binne 6 weke na die sluitingsdatum nog geen terugvoering ontvang het nie, moet aanvaar word dat hul aansoek onsuksesvol was. 7. Gunswerwing by enige raadslid en/of enige lid van die aanstellingskomitee en/of enige personeellid van die Munisipaliteit, is ontoelaatbaar en sal aansoekers onmiddellik diskwalifiseer. 8. Benewens die minimum posvereistes en standplaas hierin gestel, mag daar van posbekleërs verwag word om oortyd- en bystanddiens te verrig, asook om van tyd tot tyd in ander dele van die munisipale gebied diens te lewer, soos vereis. 9. Aanstelling in sekere poste is onderhewig aan ’n sekerheidsverklaring en daar sal ook van aansoekers verwag word om ’n onderhoud- en evalueringsproses te deurloop en waar van toepassing, ’n vaktoets af te lê. 10. Die munisipaliteit eerbiedig die bepalings van die Wet op die Beskerming van Persoonlike Inligting. Met die inhandiging van u informasie en aansoek bevestig u dat die inligting wat u aan ons verskaf korrek is en ‘n ware weergawe van u mees onlangse inligting. 11. Slegs aansoeke vanuit Bergrivier Munisipale area (WC013) sal oorweeg word. 12. Daar sal van sukessvolle kandidate verwag word om ‘n dienskontrak, openbaarmaking van voordele en belange en ‘n prestasiekontrak (waar van toepassing) met die werkgewer te onderteken   ’n Dekbrief met vermelding van ten minste twee (2) kontakbare verwysings (lynbestuurders, ondergeskiktes of eweknieë), vergesel van die voltooide voorgeskrewe aansoekvorm (op aanvraag verkrygbaar by Tel: 022 913 6000 of op die munisipaliteit se webwerf by,‘n Curriculum Vitae (maksimum 3 bladsye) en gesertifiseerde afskrifte van die nodige kwalifikasie sertifikate, identiteitsdokument en bestuurderslisensie (slegs een pos per aansoekvorm) kan by enige van die onderskeie Munisipale Kantore (Aurora, Eendekuil, Redelinghuys, Piketberg, Porterville & Velddrif) binne die munisipale gebied ingehandig word of gepos word na Posbus 60, Piketberg, 7320 of per koerier na Kerkstraat 13, Piketberg, 7320, vir die aandag van Mr. DF Verhoog, om hom te bereik teen nie later nie as die sluitingsdatum. U moet kennis neem dat die Munisipaliteit nie verantwoordelikheid aanvaar vir aansoeke wat gepos of per koerier gestuur word en laat of glad nie ontvang word nie. Die onus berus nog steeds op u om te verseker dat u aansoek die munisipaliteit voor die sluitingsdatum bereik.   GEEN FAKSE OF ELEKTRONIESE POS SAL AANVAAR WORD NIE. SLUITINGSDATUM: MAANDAG, 02 SEPTEMBER 2024 OM 16:00 ADV. H LINDE KERKSTRAAT 13 MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER POSBUS 60 PIKETBERG MK 224/2024 7320  


Job reference:
Monday - Friday
Bergrivier, South Africa
Working term:
R185 376 a year
Application deadline:

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Your search criteria returned 67 results. The most recent jobs are listed first.

Working Hours: Monday - Friday
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Senior Energy Engineer - Jhb Full job description Joining Arup Arup’s purpose, shared values and collaborative approach has set us apart for over 75 years, guiding how we shape a better wor...
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Senior Structural Engineer - Jhb Full job description Joining Arup? Arup’s purpose, shared values and collaborative approach has set us apart for over 75 years, guiding how we shape a bette...
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Mechanical Engineer - South Africa Full job description Joining Arup Arup’s purpose, shared values and collaborative approach has set us apart for over 75 years, guiding how we shape a bett...
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ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT – Urgent Hire – (CIMA preferred + SAGE 300) (Area): Umbilo (Salary): Market Related (Ref: KR) Our client is looking for a well organized and meticulous individual ...
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ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT – Urgent Hire – (CIMA preferred + SAGE 300) (Area): Umbilo (Salary): Market Related (Ref: KR) Our client is looking for a well organized and meticulous individual ...
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Job Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
Salary: Negotiable

Solar Installation and Maintenance Support - Jhb Full job description Description Location: Johannesburg, South Africa About the Role: Sun King is looking for a motivated team member...
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