Tips For Finding The Perfect Part-time Job

Tips For Finding The Perfect Part-time Job

University life is nothing short of fun and exciting. The sheer exhilaration of being in a new city, staying in res or simply making new friends and taking interesting courses is unparalleled. As a student, you need to ensure that you have enough finances to get the most of your experience. If you are looking for a way to make extra cash for textbooks and have a bit of fun whilst improving your CV, you should consider finding a part-time job.


Tips for finding the right part-time job for you

When it comes to finding a part-time job, not every student knows where to start. There are so many options out there: waitressing, tutoring, bar tender gigs… the list goes on and on. But how do you find the perfect part-time gig?


Below is a list of tips that will help you in your search for a part time job

  • Consider your study schedule:

Before browsing on the web or opening a newspaper, you need to consider how much time you can commit to a part-time job; remember, you are at varsity to study and nothing, not even a job, should get in your way of getting a degree. Look at your study and course timetable and look for free days that can be used for working. You should also factor in rest time; you do not want to be overwhelmed with school work and the demands of a part-time job.


  • Cast your net far and wide:

Now that you’ve found free days in your schedule, it’s time to start looking. Look everywhere, don’t just limit yourself to internet searches; look in your local newspaper and ask your friends to holla at you when they hear of something. You can even walk into restaurants and retail shops to enquire about vacancies. Hey! You can even tutor maths or English! Your options are endless; you just have to be proactive.

  • Look out for vacation internships:

Some accounting and engineering firms offer vac jobs. You should contact the HR departments at these firms to enquire about their vac jobs. Doing this will put you ahead of the game as you will be getting experience in your field of study.


Looking for a part-time job need not be a laborious task; you just have to look in the right places and make sure you have enough time to work. To get you started, Just The Job has many job vacancies for you to look through. Click here to find the perfect part-time job for you.